Direct Bill Projects

For GSA and Direct Bill Jobs, we have added new functionality to automate this process as much as possible.

First on the Vendor Window, we have added a Commission % and a checkbox for “Use Profit Margin”.
Only one of these values can be set per vendor.

Vendor DB

Second, we added a checkbox to the Company Location Window called “Is Direct Bill”. This checkbox will prompt the user creating new projects for this company that they should be using Direct Bill (or at least to think about it) when trying to save without setting this value.

Customer DB

Third, when importing a bill of materials, adding parts using ProjectMatrix, or pasting parts from one BOM (or repository) to another BOM and the project is set to direct bill, the appropriate vendor commission or “Use Profit Margin’ will be applied to new items. If use profit margin is the setting, then any changes to the BOM that would affect the profit margin, will update the vendor commission with the profit margin automatically.
When acknowledgments come in from the vendor and are processed, e-manage will automatically zero out the acknowledged cost on those items that are direct bill to avoid unbilled cost being applied to the projected profit when it is not appropriate



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