What Is An API and What Is The e-manage|ONE API

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a tool that programmers use to add new features to software without changing core features of the software system. With an API, you could build your own processes into e-manage|ONE without having to contact our team.

Getting Started

To start accessing data from the e-manage|ONE API, you’ll first need to grab an authentication token. An authentication token is like a passport that your application uses to gain access to our country, the e-manage|ONE data. Here’s a step-by-step guide that you can follow to start using our API to build your application.

Step 1: Get A Unique Application ID From Our Support Team

First, contact support@emanageone.com so that we can create an identifier for your application. We use this application identifier to track access to our customer’s database and protect our customer’s sensitive data.

If you’re just trying the API out and aren’t ready to get in touch, you can use `sandbox` as your application ID and continue onto the next step.

Step 2: Login

Next, you’ll need to create a request to receive an e-manage|ONE access token. Create an HTTP request with the following headers:

  1. An e-manage user’s username
  2. An e-manage user’s password with SHA256 encryption
  3. A database connection string alias
  4. An application ID for your application

If you’re just trying out the API and don’t have access to anyone’s e-manage|ONE credentials you can use the following credentials.

  1. `SandboxUser` as the username
  2. `4ce6e24cd4d606e0e864c25d5b0bf82adc6bdfaf4f442c6db5e9b9e392ef410c` as the password
  3. ‘SandBox’ as the database connection string alias
  4. `sandbox` as the application id

This is the request using the curl utility. You can execute this in your terminal or import it into Postman to get started.

curl --location --request POST 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/login/' \
--header 'username: SandboxUser' \
--header 'password: 4ce6e24cd4d606e0e864c25d5b0bf82adc6bdfaf4f442c6db5e9b9e392ef410c' \
--header 'database: SandBox' \
--header 'client_id: sandbox'

Step 3: Using the login response to access resources.

Once you submit the login request, you will receive a response. The response is a JSON Web Token (JWT), it’s an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. Here’s an example JWT


If you want to inspect the contents of the JWT that you’re receiving from our API, visit https://jwt.io/ to see what our decoded payload looks like.

Step 4: Accessing Resources

You’re almost there if you’ve gotten to this point! You’ll need to decode the JWT to create the headers of each request that you’re going to use to access e-manage|ONE’s database.


If you’re just exploring, and not ready to program, you can use this request to access any endpoint in the sandbox environment. This request returns the first 10 companies in the sandbox database.

curl --location 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/companies/' \
--header 'x-functions-key: QOMf9g0lOajV74vys2UQq9w0hhENeOmFGVe32r54RsviAzFuaulk3w==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'


If you are at the programming stage, we’ll help you get started. First, choose a popular JWT library based on the programming language that you’re using for your application. You can find popular JWT libraries using this web page for your programming language: https://jwt.io/libraries

Step 1: use the JWT Library to decode the JWT payload that you received in the login response. 

Step 2: extract the ‘x-functions-key’ from the decoded JWT payload’s body and add it to your request header.

Step 3: Add the entire encoded JWT as the Authorization header with a value of Bearer <YOUR_JWT>.

Great! Now you’re ready to get started using the API. If you have any questions about how to use the API, please contact support@emanageone.com to get started.

The Data That’s Available For You

Once you have a valid access token, you’ll have access to create, read, update, and delete most objects in the database. Here’s the base url that you can use to get started:


The Basics:

Each object that we expose through our APIs follows the same conventions. Let’s get started by understanding how to get projects:

Step 1: Query the /{resource_name} endpoint

First, query the /{resource_name} endpoint. By resource name, we mean e-manage objects like companies, contacts, projects, etc. Later in this article, we’ll give you a list of all the endpoints that are available for you, but for now let’s query the /companies endpoint first like so:

curl --location 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/companies/' \
--header 'x-functions-key: hHcjMUZT1Aa3T2YT_hsF3HXn5uUm_s3IAmLEbDVwslBMAzFu5YP2Qw==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'

Querying any endpoint that takes the /{resource_name} format, will return a list of those results. To see the details of only one resource, you can use the /{resource_name}/{id} endpoint. For example:

curl --location 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/companies/2655' \
--header 'x-functions-key: QOMf9g0lOajV74vys2UQq9w0hhENeOmFGVe32r54RsviAzFuaulk3w==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'


By default, the API will include 10 results from the database and start from the 1st result. If you’d like more results from the database, add the limit query parameter like so:

curl --location 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/companies/?limit=100' \
--header 'x-functions-key: QOMf9g0lOajV74vys2UQq9w0hhENeOmFGVe32r54RsviAzFuaulk3w==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'

In a case where you need to start your results at somewhere other than the beginning, use the start parameter like so:

curl --location 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/companies/?limit=100&start=10' \
--header 'x-functions-key: QOMf9g0lOajV74vys2UQq9w0hhENeOmFGVe32r54RsviAzFuaulk3w==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'


Lastly, let’s talk about filtering. Let’s say that you only want projects that are marked as a hotJob. In e-manage, hot jobs are set with the hotJob field equal to 1. So with our API, we tried to translate that query as closely as we could. To construct a query where you only get hotJobs, you’d use the following:

curl --location 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/projects/?hotJob=1' \
--header 'x-functions-key: QOMf9g0lOajV74vys2UQq9w0hhENeOmFGVe32r54RsviAzFuaulk3w==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'

In general, you can pick any attribute of the resource that you’re getting from our database, hotJob in this case, and filter results by values equal to the right hand side of the equation.

Complex Filters

Sometimes, it won’t be enough for a query to be filtered by fields that are strictly equal to a value, like in the hotJob example.

For example, if we want to filter a schedule on dates that are between the beginning of the month and end of the month, we’d need thousands of queries: one for 11/20/2023: 11:59:59, and another for  11/20/2023 11:50:58, and so on. As a solution, e-manage|ONE API uses left hand side (LHS) brackets so that you can filter using comparisons besides equals, let’s look at an example:

curl --location --globoff 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/projectInstallationSchedule/?startDate[lte]=2017-11-20T00%3A00%3A00' \
--header 'x-functions-key: QOMf9g0lOajV74vys2UQq9w0hhENeOmFGVe32r54RsviAzFuaulk3w==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'

In this example, we query the /projectInstallationSchedule endpoint and look for objects where the startDate is less than or equal to 11/20/2017, denoted by the [lte] bracket. In general, these complex filters will take the following format


Here are some examples




And a full list of operators and what they do

Operator NameDescription
[eq]Compares the value supplied on the right hand side of the query expression to all values in the database using the equals (==) operator
[lt]Compares the value supplied on the right hand side of the query expression to all values in the database using the less than (<) operator
[gt]Compares the value supplied on the right hand side of the query expression to all values in the database using the greater than (>) operator
[lte]Compares the value supplied on the right hand side of the query expression to all values in the database using the less than or equal to (<=) operator
[gte]Compares the value supplied on the right hand side of the query expression to all values in the database using the greater than or equal to (>=) operator
[contains]Compares the value supplied on the right hand side of the query expression to all values in the database using the contains

Putting It All Together

Congrats for making it this far! In conclusion, let’s recall what we’ve learned up until this point and come up with a complex query to solidify our understanding. 

The e-manage|ONE Api always uses pagination when returning results from the /resource endpoints. To start the page at a different offset, use the start query parameter. To specify the number of results that you would like to receive use the limit query parameter. If you would like to filter results by a resource’s attributes, you can use the attribute name with an operator, enclosed in LHS brackets.

Final example: Get all projects created after 20/11/2017, where the probability percent is equal to 90. The page of results should be offset by 20 results and the page’s size should contain 20 results.

curl --location --globoff 'https://emws.azurewebsites.net/api/projects/?createDate[gt]=2017-11-20T00%3A00%3A00&probabilityPercent[eq]=90.0&limit=20&start=20' \
--header 'x-functions-key: QOMf9g0lOajV74vys2UQq9w0hhENeOmFGVe32r54RsviAzFuaulk3w==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YoiFzsNQmf_pM1SBIgxtHgVWVEdLI2OnmQkrLlcLk59TBFonlxmpZo9NXGw1pvWY-YGlhJhgrecPI9J943Zgw7Kon_5Pq7iDfHodyWOyCaA054ZuX2zpq8Ce5sgn5p2W3QZnE-00Qa1cHDT_w58vByMdtbOiipCOY9IWm2HosOCBf9KmnSg0-lrMRV6A_shmZWYo9x_qRx5qPNYD14YRLgAEFX210cax9TW4F3Y_yhr2TUOydBvuoQcpowcwUVpwwomj1mUAf31rTDCNC1faRJIhBRocpEcBm3bEpeWteSwy9pDrNX_K4IWj3Bqen7aWyG-IZv5FZSpr6t03qgyObqcpjRMUsTCMtanvLbTouC1dvmmlAETcTncDOP5XYuqh9_B0E0n62AiZQ8TCc54V2W2Yp9REh9RjaBmtevFZTZgZCDlRaKVyNeL7I6DOUZHF9sOSxuTuEySnl1fEjHBxlfK3JQjBvPxv4GZLkJ0lC1NW_TPWkAPzo5r22kT59CqqaTwN9a2m2gpg5xqf8AFMHraeCwnkfB1aba6e_bejUTy8-fa508tRlhln8KNGhURXVifDsTG5DtuV_f50C2w84Wuz1ti_BafFn-wA1KBQ0ept9gvmVniGI9PqyGp8rHuOXIBKZiS7mM6pGoCSp0kCiGtFGIK0KD5Xwr_glwZyNgo'

Full API Documentation


1. Endpoint: /projects/

Supported HTTP Methods

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Description

The /projects/ endpoint provides functionality to manage project information. A project in the context of this API represents a business project with various attributes such as project name, type, status, dates, and associated entities.

3. Attributes

ProjectInstallationInstallerIDintUnique identifier for the installer record
ProjectInstallationIDintIdentifier linking to the project installation
Installerstring (max length: 85)Name of the installer
Installingstring (max length: 85)Description of what the installer is installing
BillableServiceSchedulestring (max length: 85)Service schedule for billing
PaySchedulestring (max length: 85)Pay schedule for the installer
PayrollCreatedshortIndicator for payroll creation
Ratingstring (max length: 85)Rating assigned to the installer
RatingNotesstring (max length: 500)Additional notes related to the rating
StartTimedatetimeStart time of the installer’s work
EndTimedatetimeEnd time of the installer’s work
ConfirmedshortConfirmation status of the installer’s work
TimeClockIDintIdentifier linking to the time clock record
TravelTimedecimal (18, 13)Duration of travel time
TravelTimeStartdatetimeStart time of travel time
TravelTimeEnddatetimeEnd time of travel time
TravelTimePaySchedulestring (max length: 85)Pay schedule for travel time
OvertimePaySchedulestring (max length: 85)Pay schedule for overtime
TravelTime2decimal (18, 13)Duration of additional travel time
TravelTime2StartdatetimeStart time of additional travel time
TravelTime2EnddatetimeEnd time of additional travel time
LunchHourdoubleDuration of lunch break
LunchTimeOutdatetimeLunch break start time
LunchTimeIndatetimeLunch break end time
DoubleTimePaySchedulestring (max length: 85)Pay schedule for double time

Project Documents

1. Endpoint: /projectdocuments/

Supported HTTP Methods

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Description

The /projectdocuments/ endpoint manages project document information. A project document in the context of this API represents a file associated with a specific project, including attributes such as document name, type, creation details, and content.

3. Attributes

ProjectDocumentIdintUnique identifier for the project document.
ProjectIdintIdentifier for the project associated with the document.
DocumentNamestringThe name of the project document.
OriginalFileNamestringThe original file name of the document.
DocumentTypestringType or category of the document.
CurrentDocumentshortIndicator for the current version of the document.
CreateDateDateTimeDate when the document was created.
CreatedBystringUser or entity who created the document.
UserIdintIdentifier for the user associated with the document.
PubshortIndicator for public visibility of the document.
CustomerViewableshortIndicator for customer visibility of the document.
Documentbyte[]Binary data representing the content of the document.
FileExtensionstringExtension of the document file.
KeywordsstringKeywords associated with the document.
ModifiedDateDateTime?Date when the document was last modified.
ModifiedBystringUser or entity who last modified the document.
SecurityLevelstringSecurity level associated with the document.
RetentionDateDateTime?Date when the document’s retention period expires.
Sizeint?Size of the document in bytes.
IsGalleryImageshort?Indicator for whether the document is a gallery image.

Project Contacts

1. Endpoint: /projectcontacts/

Supported HTTP Methods

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Description

The /projectcontacts/ endpoint manages the association between projects and contacts in the EMWS application. It facilitates the storage of details related to contacts associated with specific projects. These details include information such as contact type, influence status, and email groups.

3. Attributes

ProjectContactIdintUnique identifier for the project contact.
ProjectIdintIdentifier for the project associated with the contact.
ContactIdintIdentifier for the contact associated with the project.
SalesLeadIdint?Identifier for the sales lead associated with the contact.
BillToContactshortIndicator for billing contact.
ShipToContactshortIndicator for shipping contact.
ProjectContactTypestringType or category of the project contact.
PrimaryContactshort?Indicator for the primary contact.
InfluenceTypestringType of influence associated with the contact.
InfluenceStatusstringStatus of influence associated with the contact.
EmailGroupsstringGroups or categories for email associated with the contact.
IsInstallationContactint?Indicator for installation contact.

Project Notes

1. Endpoint: /projectnotes/

Supported HTTP Methods

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Description

The /projectnotes/ endpoint manages notes associated with projects in the EMWS application. It provides functionality to store and retrieve details related to project notes, including information such as note type, content, and associated user details.

3. Attributes

ProjectNoteIdintUnique identifier for the project note.
ProjectIdintIdentifier for the project associated with the note.
UserIdintIdentifier for the user who created the note.
CreateDateDateTimeDate and time when the note was created.
NoteTypestringType or category of the project note.
PubshortIndicator for public visibility of the note.
NotestringContent of the project note.
ProductTypestringType of product associated with the note.
UseAsPopUpbool?Indicator for using the note as a popup.
PopUpOnChildbool?Indicator for displaying the popup on child elements.
ContactIdint?Identifier for the contact associated with the note.
Mfgfeedbool?Indicator for manufacturing feed related to the note.


1. Endpoint: /companies/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Object Description

The Companies class represents information about various companies in the system. Each instance of this class corresponds to a unique company entity with details such as company name, location, contact information, and various settings.

3. Attributes

CompanyIdintUnique identifier for the company.
CompanyNamestringName of the company.
LocationNamestringName of the location.
AddressstringPrimary address of the company.
Address2stringAdditional address information.
ZipCodeIdintIdentifier for the ZIP code associated with the company.
ExtZipstringExtended ZIP code information.
MainPhonestringMain contact phone number.
MainFaxstringMain contact fax number.
CompanyTypestringType or category of the company.
AllSalespeopleshortIndicator for all salespeople associated with the company.
SalesTerritorystringTerritory covered by the sales team.
ReferredBystringSource or entity that referred the company.
StatusstringStatus or state of the company.
NumberOfEmployeesstringNumber of employees in the company.
MarketTypestringType of market the company operates in.
CreditAmountdecimalAmount of credit associated with the company.
User1 to User4stringCustom user-defined fields for additional information.
WebSitestringCompany’s website URL.
UserIdint?Identifier for the user associated with the company.
CreateDateDateTimeDate and time when the company record was created.
DeletedshortIndicator for a deleted company record.
DeletionDateDateTime?Date and time when the company record was deleted.
OnCreditHoldshort?Indicator for credit hold status.
InstallationVendorshort?Indicator for whether the company is an installation vendor.
SicstringStandard Industrial Classification code.
TaxExemptshort?Indicator for tax-exempt status.
MailingAddressstringMailing address of the company.
MailingAddress2stringAdditional mailing address information.
MailingZipCodeIdint?Identifier for the ZIP code associated with the mailing address.
UpdateIdstringIdentifier for updates related to the company.
ExpiresDateTime?Date and time when the company record expires.
TaxCodestringTax code associated with the company.
AccountingIdstringAccounting identifier for the company.
UpdateUrlstringURL for updates related to the company.
MbobjectIdint?Identifier for the MbObject associated with the company.
DefaultBillToRemitToint?Default bill-to and remit-to identifier.
DefaultBillToAttentionstringDefault attention information for bill-to contacts.
QblistIdstringQuickBooks list identifier.
RegisteredAccountshort?Indicator for a registered account.
DefaultTermsstringDefault payment terms for the company.
DefaultApaccountint?Default accounts payable account identifier.
DefaultMarkupdouble?Default markup associated with the company.
IsWarehouseshort?Indicator for whether the company is a warehouse.
IsFurnitureDealershort?Indicator for whether the company is a furniture dealer.
IsArchitectshort?Indicator for whether the company is an architect.
OldCompanyIdstringIdentifier for the old company.
TollFreestringToll-free contact number for the company.
CustDiscdecimal?Customer discount associated with the company.
DumpFeedecimal?Fee associated with dumping.
OfdaenterpriseNamestringName associated with OFDA enterprise.
OfdaenterpriseCodestringCode associated with OFDA enterprise.
CorporateDivisionIdint?Identifier for the corporate division associated with the company.
AllowOtherDivisionsshort?Indicator for allowing other divisions.
IsFarmbyte?Indicator for whether the company is a farm.
LatitudestringLatitude coordinates for the company location.
LongitudestringLongitude coordinates for the company location.
MapIdstringIdentifier for the map associated with the company.
MainPicturebyte[]Main picture or logo associated with the company.
DefaultShipToint?Default ship-to identifier.
DefaultStattentionstringDefault attention information for ship-to contacts.
GroupContractIdint?Identifier for the group contract associated with the company.
OfdatypestringType associated with OFDA.
IsReferenceshort?Indicator for whether the company is a reference.
CanVisitshort?Indicator for whether the company can be visited.
ReferenceContactstringContact associated with the reference.
CrossStreetsstringCross streets near the company location.
NeighborhoodstringNeighborhood associated with the company location.
SendsAcknowledgementshort?Indicator for sending acknowledgments.
FederalTaxIdstringFederal tax identifier for the company.
ReportingMethodstringMethod used for reporting.
QbtaxCodestringQuickBooks tax code.
QbtaxItemstringQuickBooks tax item.
ResaleCertificatestringResale certificate associated with the company.
MarkForQbsyncshort?Indicator for marking the company for QuickBooks sync.
PosAreInternalshortIndicator for internal purchase orders.
DefaultDeliverToint?Default deliver-to identifier.
DefaultDeliverToAttentionstringDefault attention information for deliver-to contacts.
SmallMainPicturebyte[]Small version of the main picture associated with the company.
GstpsttemplateIdint?GST/PST template identifier.
CreditHoldBystringUser or entity responsible for placing the company on credit hold.
CreditHoldReasonstringReason for placing the company on credit hold.
CreditHoldDateDateTime?Date and time when the credit hold was placed.
DefaultWipaccountint?Default work in progress (WIP) account identifier.
InvWarehouseIdint?Inventory warehouse identifier.
WebCodestringCode associated with the company for web purposes.
OfdausernamestringUsername associated with OFDA.
OfdapasswordstringPassword associated with OFDA.
OfdabillAccountstringBill account associated with OFDA.
OfdashipAccountstringShip account associated with OFDA.
ContractNamestringName associated with contracts for the company.
BillNamestringName associated with billing for the company.
OrderNamestringName associated with orders for the company.
TransactionNamestringName associated with transactions for the company.
OfdadealerOrderContactstringContact associated with dealer orders for OFDA.
OfdadeliveryApptContactIdint?Identifier for the contact associated with OFDA delivery appointments.
OfdadeliverySiteContactIdint?Identifier for the contact associated with OFDA delivery sites.
OfdashipServicesstringShip services associated with OFDA.
OfdaendUserAccountstringEnd-user account associated with OFDA.
OfdaendUserCompanyIdint?Identifier for the end-user company associated with OFDA.
OfdaendUserContactIdint?Identifier for the end-user contact associated with OFDA.
OfdadealerAccountstringDealer account associated with OFDA.
VendorCommissionSalesAccountint?Identifier for the sales account used for vendor commissions.
IsComshipToshort?Indicator for whether the company is a COM ship-to.
SchedulingEmailstringEmail address for scheduling purposes.
IsDirectBillshort?Indicator for direct billing.
VendorCommissiondouble?Commission percentage for vendors.
CommissionUseMarginshort?Indicator for using margin for commission calculation.
DoesNotRequirePhysicalPoshort?Indicator for not requiring a physical purchase order.
ChargesFreightshort?Indicator for whether the company charges for freight.
CustomerLogobyte[]Logo associated with the customer.
QuoteTemplateIdint?Identifier for the quote template associated with the company.
VerifiedCompanyNamestringVerified name of the company.
VerifiedAddress1stringVerified address line 1.
VerifiedAddress2stringVerified address line 2.
VerifiedCitystringVerified city.
VerifiedStatestringVerified state.
VerifiedZipPlus4stringVerified ZIP code plus 4.
LastVerificationDateDateTime?Date and time of the last verification.
VerificationCountshort?Count of verifications.
VerificationReturnCodeint?Return code of the last verification.
PoinvoiceGstpsttemplateIdint?GST/PST template identifier for PO invoices.
PayableGstpsttemplateIdint?GST/PST template identifier for payables.
FreightPartIdint?Identifier for the part associated with freight.
ChangeVendorshort?Indicator for changing the vendor.
AutoPartPhaseIdint?Identifier for the auto part phase.
QbcurrencystringCurrency code used in QuickBooks.
FreightCapdecimal?Freight cap amount.
FreightCapUseCostshort?Indicator for using cost in freight cap calculation.
FreightMinChargedecimal?Minimum charge for freight.
CalcFreightPercdecimal?Percentage used in calculating freight.
CalcFreightUseCostshort?Indicator for using cost in calculating freight.
VendorWiptaxAccountIdshort?Identifier for the WIP tax account associated with vendors.
VendorNonWiptaxAccountIdshort?Identifier for the non-WIP tax account associated with vendors.
IsDumpSiteshort?Indicator for whether the company is a dump site.

Company Documents

1. Endpoint: /companydocuments/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Object Description

The CompanyDocuments class represents documents associated with companies in the system. Each instance of this class corresponds to a unique company document, containing information such as document name, original file name, document type, creation details, and the document itself.

3. Attributes

CompanyDocumentIdintUnique identifier for the company document.
CompanyIdintIdentifier for the associated company.
DocumentNamestringName of the document.
OriginalFileNamestringOriginal file name of the document.
DocumentTypestringType or category of the document.
CurrentDocumentshortIndicator for the current version of the document.
CreateDateDateTimeDate and time when the document record was created.
CreatedBystringUser or entity who created the document.
UserIdintIdentifier for the user associated with the document.
PubshortIndicator for the publication status of the document.
CustomerViewableshortIndicator for whether the document is viewable by customers.
Documentbyte[]Binary data of the document.
FileExtensionstringFile extension of the document.
KeywordsstringKeywords associated with the document.
ModifiedDateDateTime?Date and time when the document record was last modified.
ModifiedBystringUser or entity who last modified the document.
SecurityLevelstringSecurity level assigned to the document.
RetentionDateDateTime?Date until which the document should be retained.
Sizeint?Size of the document in bytes.

Company Notes

1. Endpoint: `/companynotes/`

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Object Description

The `CompanyNotes` class represents notes associated with companies in the system. Each instance of this class corresponds to a unique company note, containing information such as note type, creation details, and the content of the note.

3. Attributes

CompanyNoteIdintUnique identifier for the company note.
CompanyIdintIdentifier for the associated company.
UserIdintIdentifier for the user associated with the note.
CreateDateDateTimeDate and time when the note record was created.
NoteTypestringType or category of the note.
PubshortIndicator for the publication status of the note.
NotestringContent of the note.
UseAsPopUpboolIndicator for whether the note can be used as a pop-up.
PopUpOnChildbool?Indicator for whether the pop-up is displayed on child records.


1. Endpoint: /contacts/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Object Description

The Contacts class represents individual contacts associated with companies in the system. Each instance of this class corresponds to a unique contact record, containing information such as name, contact details, and additional attributes related to communication and personal information.

3. Attributes

ContactIdintUnique identifier for the contact.
CompanyIdintIdentifier for the associated company.
GenderstringGender of the contact.
SalutationstringSalutation or greeting for the contact.
FirstNamestringFirst name of the contact.
MiddleNamestringMiddle name of the contact.
LastNamestringLast name of the contact.
LastNameSuffixstringSuffix for the last name of the contact.
ContactNamestringFull name of the contact.
NickNamestringNickname or informal name for the contact.
TitlestringProfessional title or position of the contact.
DepartmentstringDepartment or division in the company for the contact.
ExtensionstringPhone extension for the contact.
DirectPhonestringDirect phone number for the contact.
DirectFaxstringDirect fax number for the contact.
MobilePhonestringMobile phone number for the contact.
MobileCarrierstringMobile carrier information for the contact.
PagerPhonestringPager phone number for the contact.
HomePhonestringHome phone number for the contact.
WorkEmailstringWork email address for the contact.
OtherEmailstringAlternate or additional email address for the contact.
AccountingIdstringAccounting identifier for the contact.
BirthdayDateTimeDate of birth for the contact.
AnniversaryDateTimeAnniversary date for the contact.
SpouseNamestringName of the spouse of the contact.
ContactTypestringType or category of the contact.
MailingListshortIndicator for the inclusion of the contact in mailing lists.
DeletedshortIndicator for the deletion status of the contact.
DeletedDateDateTime?Date and time when the contact was deleted.
UserIdintIdentifier for the user associated with the contact.
CreatedateDateTimeDate and time when the contact record was created.
WebUserNamestringUsername for web-related services.
WebPasswordstringPassword for web-related services.
MailStopstringMail stop information for the contact.
LetterDateDateTime?Date and time of the letter for the contact.
TaxCodestringTax code information for the contact.
EntryIdstringIdentifier for the entry related to the contact.
NotesstringAdditional notes or comments about the contact.
PagerPinstringPIN for the pager of the contact.
ViewListPricingshort?Indicator for viewing list pricing.
AcceptsSmsshort?Indicator for whether the contact accepts SMS.
ChangedPasswordstringPassword change information for the contact.
DeclinedWebshort?Indicator for web service declination by the contact.
WebDisclaimershort?Indicator for web service disclaimer acceptance.
OldContactIdstringOld or historical identifier for the contact.
SlgacctIdstringIdentifier for the SLG account related to the contact.
ContactStatusstringCurrent status of the contact.
MainPicturebyte[]Main picture or image associated with the contact.
GoogleContactIdstringGoogle Contact identifier for the contact.
SmallMainPicturebyte[]Small-sized main picture or image for the contact.
OfdadeliveryContactshort?Indicator for the delivery contact in OFDA.

Contact Documents

1. Endpoint: /contactdocuments/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Object Description

The ContactDocuments class represents documents associated with contacts in the system. Each instance of this class corresponds to a unique contact document record, containing information such as the document type, content, and details about its creation.

3. Attributes

ContactDocumentIdintUnique identifier for the contact document.
ContactIdintIdentifier for the associated contact.
DocumentNamestringName or title of the contact document.
OriginalFileNamestringOriginal name of the file before upload.
DocumentTypestringType or category of the contact document.
CurrentDocumentshortIndicator for the current version of the document.
CreateDateDateTimeDate and time when the document was created.
CreatedBystringUser who created the contact document.
UserIdintIdentifier for the user who created the document.
PubshortIndicator for the public visibility of the document.
CustomerViewableshortIndicator for customer visibility of the document.
DocumentimageBinary data representing the content of the document.
FileExtensionstringExtension of the uploaded file.
KeywordstextKeywords or tags associated with the document.
ModifiedDateDateTime?Date and time when the document was last modified.
ModifiedBystringUser who last modified the contact document.
SecurityLevelstringLevel of security assigned to the document.
RetentionDateDateTime?Date until which the document is retained.
Sizeint?Size of the document in bytes.

Contact Notes

1. Endpoint: /contactnotes/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Object Description

The ContactNotes class represents notes associated with contacts in the system. Each instance of this class corresponds to a unique contact note record, containing information such as the note type, content, and details about its creation.

3. Attributes

ContactNoteIdintUnique identifier for the contact note.
ContactIdintIdentifier for the associated contact.
UserIdintIdentifier for the user who created the note.
CreateDateDateTimeDate and time when the note was created.
NoteTypestringType or category of the contact note.
PubshortIndicator for the public visibility of the note.
NotetextText content of the contact note.
SalesLeadIdint?Identifier for the associated sales lead.
UseAsPopUpbool?Indicator for using the note as a pop-up.
PopUpOnChildbool?Indicator for displaying pop-ups on child items.


1. Endpoint: /employees/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

2. General Object Description

The Employees class represents information about employees within the system. Each instance of this class corresponds to a unique employee record, capturing details such as personal information, contact details, employment specifics, and other relevant attributes.

3. Attributes

EmployeeIdintUnique identifier for the employee.
FirstNamestringFirst name of the employee.
MiddleNamestringMiddle name of the employee.
LastNamestringLast name of the employee.
TitlestringJob title of the employee.
GenderstringGender of the employee.
EthnicitystringEthnicity of the employee.
AddressstringPrimary address of the employee.
Address2stringSecondary address of the employee.
CitystringCity of residence for the employee.
StatestringState abbreviation for the employee’s location.
ZipstringZIP code for the employee’s address.
Phone1stringPrimary phone number of the employee.
Phone2stringSecondary phone number of the employee.
SsstringSocial Security number of the employee.
DlnumberstringDriver’s license number of the employee.
BirthdayDateTimeBirthdate of the employee.
HireDateDateTimeDate when the employee was hired.
InsuranceStartDateDateTime?Start date of insurance coverage for the employee.
PtostartDateDateTime?Start date for Paid Time Off (PTO) for the employee.
TerminationDateDateTime?Date when the employee was terminated.
SupervisorIdintIdentifier of the supervisor for the employee.
SupervisorstringName of the supervisor for the employee.
EmployeeCoveragestringCoverage details for the employee.
RequireSsshortRequirement for Social Security number.
RequireProjectshortRequirement for a project.
ShowTimeshortIndicator to show time.
StartTimestringStart time for the employee.
EndTimestringEnd time for the employee.
LunchStartDateTime?Start time for lunch.
LunchEndDateTime?End time for lunch.
Break1StartDateTime?Start time for break 1.
Break1EndDateTime?End time for break 1.
Break2StartDateTime?Start time for break 2.
Break2EndDateTime?End time for break 2.
LastReviewDateDateTime?Date of the last performance review.
ReviewIncrementint?Increment for reviews.
ReviewTextstringText associated with the review.
NextReviewDateDateTime?Date of the next performance review.
EmployeeTypeshortType of employee.
EmployeeTypeTextstringText representation of the employee type.
PayRatedecimalHourly pay rate for the employee.
PayTypestringType of payment for the employee.
OvertimeTypeshort?Type of overtime for the employee.
OvertimeTypeTextstringText representation of the overtime type.
PaidLunchshort?Indicator for paid lunch.
HolidayPayshort?Indicator for holiday pay.
SickDaysdoubleNumber of sick days available for the employee.
PtodoublePaid Time Off (PTO) available for the employee.
BasePtoshortBase PTO for the employee.
PtoaccruesshortPTO accrual rate for the employee.
CreateDateDateTimeDate when the employee record was created.
UserIdintUser identifier associated with the employee.
OvertimeRatestringOvertime pay rate for the employee.
OvertimeRateNumberdecimal?Numeric representation of the overtime rate.
TimeZonestringTime zone of the employee.
TimeZoneNumberint?Numeric representation of the time zone.
SystemTimeshortSystem time indicator.
BillableTimeshort?Billable time indicator.
EmployeeNumberstringEmployee identification number.
PerJobAdditionsdecimal?Additional payment per job for the employee.
EmanageUserIdint?User identifier for eManagement system.
TechstringTechnical role or skills of the employee.
InstallerstringInstallation role or skills of the employee.
EmanageUserstringUser representation for eManagement system.
UseDayRateshort?Indicator for using a day rate.
InventoryLocationIdint?Identifier for the inventory location.
DlclassstringDriver’s license class.
MbobjectIdintIdentifier for an object.
RequireWorkPerformedshortRequirement for work performance.
PotPercentagedecimal?Percentage for a potential bonus.
CrewLeadershort?Indicator for being a crew leader.
IsPieceRatePayshort?Indicator for piece rate pay.
CompanyCodestringCode associated with the company.
VacationRetentiondecimal?Retention amount for vacation.
GasAllowancedecimal?Allowance for gas.
IsBudgetPayshort?Indicator for budgeted pay.
PerPieceScheduleIdint?Identifier for per-piece pay schedule.
AutoLuchGroupIdint?Identifier for the auto lunch group.
CorporateDivisionIdint?Identifier for the corporate division.
CurrentStationstringCurrent station or location of the employee.
CurrentLocationint?Identifier for the current location.
CurrentTableNumberint?Table number associated with the current location.
QblistIdstringQuickBooks list identifier.
AutoDriveTimeHoursdecimal?Hours of automatic drive time.
SalespersonstringSalesperson associated with the employee.
CurrentTimeZoneOffsetdecimal?Current time zone offset.

Employee Times (Time Sheets)

Endpoint: /employeeTime/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

General Description

The EmployeeTime object represents a time clock entry for an employee. It includes information about the employee’s work hours, breaks, overtime, and other related details. This API provides endpoints to manage and retrieve data related to employee time entries.


TimeClockIdintUnique identifier for the time clock entry.
EmployeeIdintIdentifier of the associated employee.
AuditDateDateTimeDate of the time clock entry.
ProjectIdint?Identifier of the associated project (nullable).
TimeInDateTime?Time when the employee clocked in.
LunchTimeOutDateTime?Time when the lunch break started.
LunchTimeInDateTime?Time when the lunch break ended.
TimeOutDateTime?Time when the employee clocked out.
TotalHoursdouble?Total hours worked.
Overtimedouble?Overtime hours worked.
AdminTimedouble?Admin time hours.
AdminTimeReasonstringReason for admin time.
OverTimeFlagshortFlag indicating overtime.
InconsistentFlagshortFlag indicating inconsistency in time.
PaidSickDayshortFlag indicating a paid sick day.
PaidPtodayshortFlag indicating a paid PTO day.
UnPaidSickDayshortFlag indicating an unpaid sick day.
UnPaidPtoshortFlag indicating an unpaid PTO day.
PaidHolidayshort?Flag indicating a paid holiday (nullable).
CreateDateDateTimeDate when the time clock entry was created.
InMeetingshort?Flag indicating the employee is in a meeting (nullable).
MobileLoginshort?Flag indicating a mobile login (nullable).
TimeInActualDateTime?Actual time when the employee clocked in.
LunchTimeOutActualDateTime?Actual time when the lunch break started.
LunchTimeInActualDateTime?Actual time when the lunch break ended.
TimeOutActualDateTime?Actual time when the employee clocked out.
Break1OutDateTime?Time when break 1 started.
Break1InDateTime?Time when break 1 ended.
Break2OutDateTime?Time when break 2 started.
Break2InDateTime?Time when break 2 ended.
OverTimeApprovedshort?Flag indicating approved overtime (nullable).
OverTimeApprovedBystringUser who approved the overtime.
OverTimeApprovedDateDateTime?Date when overtime was approved.
StartTimeDateTime?Start time for the employee.
EndTimeDateTime?End time for the employee.
LunchTimeStartDateTime?Start time for lunch break.
LunchTimeEndDateTime?End time for lunch break.
AbsenceVerifiedshort?Flag indicating absence verification (nullable).
AbsenceReasonstringReason for employee absence.
OverTimeReasonstringReason for overtime.
InconsistentReasonstringReason for inconsistency in time.
AdminTimeApprovedshort?Flag indicating approved admin time (nullable).
AdminTimeApprovedBystringUser who approved the admin time.
AdminTimeApprovedDateDateTime?Date when admin time was approved.
EntryCompletedshortFlag indicating if the time entry is completed.
OvertimeRatedecimal?Overtime pay rate.
PayRatedecimal?Hourly pay rate.
RegularPaydouble?Regular pay amount.
Otpaydouble?Overtime pay amount.
WorkPerformedstringDescription of work performed.
OtpayRatedecimal?Overtime pay rate.
OtpayAmountdouble?Overtime pay amount.
InternalCostHrdecimal?Internal cost per hour.
OtinternalCostHrdecimal?Overtime internal cost per hour.
InternalCostAmountdouble?Internal cost amount.
OtinternalCostAmountdouble?Overtime internal cost amount.
BillablePayRatedecimal?Billable pay rate.
OtbillablePayRatedecimal?Overtime billable pay rate.
BillableAmountdouble?Billable amount.
OtbillableAmountdouble?Overtime billable amount.
ActualCostHrdecimal?Actual cost per hour.
OtactualCostHrdecimal?Overtime actual cost per hour.
ActualCostAmountdouble?Actual cost amount.
OtactualCostAmountdouble?Overtime actual cost amount.
PaySchedulestringPay schedule for the employee.
PerJobAdditionsdecimal?Additional payment per job.
UseDoubleTimeshort?Flag indicating the use of double time (nullable).
AutoCreatedshort?Flag indicating if the entry was automatically created (nullable).
EntryCodestringCode associated with the entry.
EntryTypestringType of entry (e.g., regular, overtime).
MbcostCodeRefintReference to the cost code.
MbpayTypeintType of pay associated with the entry.
MbobjectIdintIdentifier for an object.
UserIdint?User identifier associated with the entry.
Gadecimal?General and Administrative (GA) cost.
GCodestringCode associated with GA cost.
CustomerReferencestringReference to the customer.
WorkingpunchIdint?Identifier for the associated working punch.
PhasestringPhase associated with the entry.
DoubleTimedouble?Double time hours.
DoubleTimePayRatedecimal?Double time pay rate.
DoubleTimePaydouble?Double time pay amount.
DtactualCostHrdecimal?Double time actual cost per hour.
DtactualCostdouble?Double time actual cost amount.
ReferenceIdint?Identifier for the associated reference (nullable).
ReferenceTypestringType of reference.
ServiceTicketIdint?Identifier for the associated service ticket (nullable).
TravelTimePaySchedulestringPay schedule for travel time.
OvertimePaySchedulestringPay schedule for overtime.
TravelTimePayRatedecimal?Pay rate for travel time.
ProjectOrderIdint?Identifier for the associated project order (nullable).
TravelTimedouble?Travel time hours.
TravelTimePaydouble?Travel time pay amount.
TravelTimeCostRatedecimal?Cost rate for travel time.
TravelTimeCostdouble?Cost amount for travel time.
TotalSheetCostdouble?Total cost for the sheet.
SentToQbshort?Flag indicating if the entry is sent to QuickBooks (nullable).
RgsentToQbshort?Flag indicating if regular time is sent to QuickBooks (nullable).
OtsentToQbshort?Flag indicating if overtime is sent to QuickBooks (nullable).
TravelSentToQbshort?Flag indicating if travel time is sent to QuickBooks (nullable).
TravelTimeStartDateTime?Start time for travel time.
TravelTimeEndDateTime?End time for travel time.
TravelTime2StartDateTime?Start time for second travel time.
TravelTime2EndDateTime?End time for second travel time.
TravelTime2double?Second travel time hours.
ProjectInstallationIdint?Identifier for the associated project installation (nullable).
PreventativeMaintenanceIdint?Identifier for the associated preventative maintenance (nullable).
ServiceScheduleIdint?Identifier for the associated service schedule (nullable).
ProjectServiceIdint?Identifier for the associated project service (nullable).
LunchHourdouble?Lunch break duration in hours.
DriveTimeInGeostringGeographic location for drive time in.
DriveTimeOutGeostringGeographic location for drive time out.
TimeInGeostringGeographic location for time in.
LunchTimeOutGeostringGeographic location for lunch time out.
LunchTimeInGeostringGeographic location for lunch time in.
TimeOutGeostringGeographic location for time out.
DriveTime2InGeostringGeographic location for second drive time in.
DriveTime2OutGeostringGeographic location for second drive time out.
SheetTypestringType of sheet associated with the entry.
DoubleTimePaySchedulestringPay schedule for double time.
DtsentToQbshort?Flag indicating if double time is sent to QuickBooks (nullable).
DriveTimeInLatdouble?Latitude for drive time in.
DriveTimeInLongdouble?Longitude for drive time in.
DriveTimeOutLatdouble?Latitude for drive time out.
DriveTimeOutLongdouble?Longitude for drive time out.
TimeInLatdouble?Latitude for time in.
TimeInLongdouble?Longitude for time in.
LunchTimeOutLatdouble?Latitude for lunch time out.
LunchTimeOutLongdouble?Longitude for lunch time out.
LunchTimeInLatdouble?Latitude for lunch time in.
LunchTimeInLongdouble?Longitude for lunch time in.
TimeOutLatdouble?Latitude for time out.
TimeOutLongdouble?Longitude for time out.
DriveTime2InLatdouble?Latitude for second drive time in.
DriveTime2InLongdouble?Longitude for second drive time in.
DriveTime2OutLatdouble?Latitude for second drive time out.
DriveTime2OutLongdouble?Longitude for second drive time out.
OriginatingTimeClockIdint?Identifier for the originating time clock entry (nullable).

Installation Schedule

Endpoint: /projectInstallationSchedule/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

General Description

The ProjectInstallationSchedule object represents the schedule for the installation phase of a project. It contains information about the start and end dates, installation type, division, man-hours, and other related details. This API provides endpoints to manage and retrieve data related to project installation schedules.


ProjectInstallationIdintUnique identifier for the project installation schedule.
ProjectIdintIdentifier of the associated project.
StartDateDateTimeStart date of the installation schedule.
EndDateDateTimeEnd date of the installation schedule.
StartTimeDateTimeStart time of the installation schedule.
HoursPerDaydoubleHours of work per day.
UserIdintUser identifier associated with the schedule.
CreateDateDateTimeDate when the installation schedule was created.
InstallationTypestringType of installation (e.g., electrical, plumbing).
DivisionstringDivision associated with the installation.
TotalManhoursdoubleTotal man-hours estimated for the installation.
AuditDateStartDateTimeStart date for auditing purposes.
AuditDateEndDateTimeEnd date for auditing purposes.
BackColorstringBackground color for visual representation.
ForeColorstringForeground color for visual representation.
ProjectPhaseIdint?Identifier of the associated project phase (nullable).
CollectPaymentshort?Flag indicating if payment is to be collected (nullable).
PaymentAmountdecimal?Amount to be collected for the installation.
PaymentCollectedshort?Flag indicating if payment has been collected (nullable).
CollectedAmountdecimal?Amount collected for the installation.
OnHoldshort?Flag indicating if the installation is on hold (nullable).
B4short?Flag indicating B4 status (nullable).
CompletedOnDateTime?Date when the installation was completed (nullable).
CorporateDivisionIdint?Identifier of the associated corporate division (nullable).
Redoshort?Flag indicating if the installation needs to be redone (nullable).
ProjectOrderIdint?Identifier of the associated project order (nullable).
RequestedInstallersPerDayshort?Number of requested installers per day (nullable).
RequestedInstallationDaysshort?Number of requested installation days (nullable).
RequestedTrucksshort?Number of requested trucks (nullable).
GeneralInstructionsstringGeneral instructions for the installation.
OriginalInstallationIdint?Identifier of the original installation (nullable).
PrintInstallersshort?Flag indicating if installers should be printed (nullable).
PrintSubcontractorsshort?Flag indicating if subcontractors should be printed (nullable).
PrintScopeOfWorkshort?Flag indicating if the scope of work should be printed (nullable).
PrintPunchListshort?Flag indicating if the punch list should be printed (nullable).
PrintMapshort?Flag indicating if the map should be printed (nullable).
PrintProjectNameshort?Flag indicating if the project name should be printed (nullable).
PrintOrderNameshort?Flag indicating if the order name should be printed (nullable).
HasSpecialInstructionsshort?Flag indicating if there are special instructions (nullable).
PrintContactsshort?Flag indicating if contacts should be printed (nullable).
GeneralInstructionsHtmlstringGeneral instructions in HTML format.

Installation Installers

Endpoint: /projectInstallationInstallers/

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

General Description

The ProjectInstallationInstallers object represents the installers associated with a project installation schedule. This API provides endpoints to manage and retrieve data related to project installation installers, including details about their work, pay, ratings, and schedule.


ProjectInstallationInstallerIdintUnique identifier for the project installation installer.
ProjectInstallationIdintIdentifier of the associated project installation.
InstallerstringName of the installer.
InstallingstringDescription of what the installer is installing.
BillableServiceSchedulestringType of service schedule for billing purposes.
PaySchedulestringPay schedule for the installer.
PayrollCreatedshort?Flag indicating if payroll has been created (nullable).
RatingstringRating assigned to the installer’s performance.
RatingNotesstringAdditional notes or comments related to the rating.
StartTimeDateTime?Start time of the installation work (nullable).
EndTimeDateTime?End time of the installation work (nullable).
ConfirmedshortConfirmation status of the installer.
TimeClockIdint?Identifier of the associated time clock entry (nullable).
TravelTimedecimal?Amount of travel time (in hours).
TravelTimeStartDateTime?Start time of travel time (nullable).
TravelTimeEndDateTime?End time of travel time (nullable).
TravelTimePaySchedulestringPay schedule for travel time.
OvertimePaySchedulestringPay schedule for overtime.
TravelTime2decimal?Additional travel time (in hours).
TravelTime2StartDateTime?Start time of additional travel time (nullable).
TravelTime2EndDateTime?End time of additional travel time (nullable).
LunchHourdouble?Duration of lunch break (in hours).
LunchTimeOutDateTime?Time when lunch break starts (nullable).
LunchTimeInDateTime?Time when lunch break ends (nullable).
DoubleTimePaySchedulestringPay schedule for double time.


Endpoint: /salesleads/

Supported HTTP Methods

GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests are supported.

General Description

The SalesLeads object represents information about sales leads, capturing details such as contact information, lead creation date, salesperson details, and various other attributes related to sales activities.


SalesLeadIdintUnique identifier for the sales lead.
ContactIdintIdentifier of the associated contact.
LeadNumberstring (24)Unique number associated with the lead.
CreateDateDateTimeDate and time when the lead was created.
ProjectIdint?Identifier of the associated project (nullable).
Salespersonstring (125)Name of the salesperson associated with the lead.
Typestring (125)Type of the sales lead.
ReferredBystring (125)Source or reference by which the lead was obtained.
UserIdintIdentifier of the user associated with the lead.
Intereststring (text)Detailed information about the lead’s interest.
DeletedshortFlag indicating if the lead is deleted.
DeletedBystring (45)User who deleted the lead.
DeleteDateDateTime?Date and time when the lead was deleted (nullable).
DeletedReasonstring (255)Reason for deleting the lead.
LastActivityDateDateTime?Date of the last activity associated with the lead.
LeadLetterDateDateTime?Date of the last letter sent to the lead.
LeadEmailDateDateTime?Date of the last email sent to the lead.
MarketingCampaignIdint?Identifier of the associated marketing campaign (nullable).
Prioritystring (85)Priority level of the lead.
NextEventDateDateTime?Date of the next scheduled event related to the lead.
NextEventTypestring (85)Type of the next scheduled event.
NextEventregardingstring (255)Regarding information for the next scheduled event.
NextFollowUpDateDateTime?Date of the next scheduled follow-up.
NextFollowUpTypestring (85)Type of the next scheduled follow-up.
NextFollowUpRegardingstring (400)Regarding information for the next scheduled follow-up.
LastNoteAddedDateTime?Date of the last note added to the lead.
LastLetterMergedDateTime?Date of the last letter merged with the lead.
LastLetterNamestring (255)Name of the last merged letter.
Statusstring (85)Current status of the lead.
ApproxValuedecimal?Approximate value associated with the lead.
Probabilitystring (85)Probability of lead conversion.
DecisionDateDateTime?Date of the decision related to the lead.
ReturnedToCompanyshort?Flag indicating if the lead is returned to the company (nullable).
SalespersonReturnedstring (85)Salesperson who returned the lead.
IsPendingshortFlag indicating if the lead is pending.
PendingUserIdint?Identifier of the user associated with the pending status (nullable).
PendingDateDateTime?Date of the pending status.
PendingReasonstring (text)Reason for the pending status.
PendingReactivationDateDateTime?Date for reactivation from pending status.
Approvedshort?Flag indicating if the lead is approved (nullable).
CarrierIdint?Identifier of the associated carrier (nullable).
NextTouchTypestring (85)Type of the next touchpoint with the lead.
NextTouchDateDateTime?Date of the next scheduled touchpoint.